Thank you
Missio Dei! On Sunday, a half dozen members of this local fellowship met at Campbell Park and put their hands to work.
They weeded and cleaned our beds, helping our tomatoes and eggplants and greens feel more spacious in the soil where they grow.
They blessed our garden with care and prayer and gave themselves the opportunity to perform the hope they feel.
From our very beginnings, Missio Dei has been there, supporting us with their mission, sending hands to our gardens, carrying in us in their thoughts.
The faith they placed in the Peace Patch mission at our outset made the many sacrifices that keep this organization afloat possible and willfully performed. They have asked us to show the way and to provide the means, and we have daily delivered.
Thank you Missio Dei for your faith and for your hands. Thank you for allowing us to serve.
Kip Curtis
Founder and Executive Director